FoodTech Next is a unique funding opportunity for early-stage Canadian technology firms who seek to be part of — or sell to — the wider food industry.
The program allows companies to demonstrate and pilot their innovation in operational environments to prove their solutions and validate the return on investment for the food sector. The overarching goal of FoodTech Next is to accelerate the commercialization of Canadian innovation by generating first demonstration opportunities.
Who Can Participate:
To qualify for funding, all project proposals for any call must be:
- Submitted by Canadian incorporated businesses with less than $1M in annual sales in their most recently completed fiscal year.
- Seeking to demonstrate innovations between a technology readiness level of 3 to 7, with ideal projects ending in system prototype demonstration in an operational environment (TRL of 7).
- Focused on a post-farm gate solution (CFIN will not cover agricultural production activities).
Read the full program here.