ASTech Awards

For more information on the ASTech Awards, visit

Sponsorship Brochure

Sponsor the ASTech Awards

Want to help uplift Alberta’s science and technology sectors by recognizing outstanding achievements in our innovation ecosystem?

We are seeking sponsors to work with us to continue this 33-year tradition of “sharing success” with “the best of all worlds” through the ASTech Programs to inspire innovation.

As we work towards our three-year strategic vision of the ASTech Programs, we need to work with like-minded community partners and stakeholders, to best serve the Alberta innovation community and address gaps within Alberta. The 2023 ASTech Awards will be the starting point for creating conversations on topics of importance, connecting our communities again, and rewarding excellence that is paving the way forward through innovation.

Why Sponsor the ASTech Awards?

Innovation is the lifeblood of businesses and the Alberta economy. It’s important to inspire innovation, and celebrating innovation is clearly inspirational. I want my company to be visible as a supporter of celebrating innovation risk-taking in Alberta.” – Peter Kinash, CFO Replicon, and Founding Board Member, ASTech Awards


Sponsoring the ASTech Programs will add significant value to your organization annually through:

  • Establishing your organization as an industry/sector leader
  • Collaborating with leaders from industry, academia, government, and entrepreneurship
  • Increasing your exposure within the Alberta Technology sector
  • Continuing to drive investment and growth in Alberta innovations


Think you’re a good fit? Please contact [email protected].

Sign up for the ASTech Awards newsletter to receive timely updates and information.

2023 Sponsors

ASTech Awards Advisory Board


Rus Matichuk
Sumex Capital, CEO

Vice Chair

Gail Powley
ASTech Awards, Executive Director

Vice Chair

Jeff LaFrenz
VizworX, Co-Founder and President

Justin Riemer
Emissions Reduction Alberta (ERA), CEO

Douglas Holt
Alberta Innovates, Associate Vice President, Investments

Lynn Wyton
Explore Edmonton, Senior Advisor, Business Partnerships

Peter Kinash
Replicon Software, Inc., CFO

Max Frank
MF Consulting, Executive Consultant

Dr. Lisa Carter
Associate Professor, Athabasca University

Tom Ogaranko
Octoco Inc., Principal

Myska Osinchuk
Director, Western Management Consultants (WMC)

Heather Herring
CEO, Make It So