July – LinkedIn to the Action
It has been exciting to watch events across the province, like the Stampede – through the lens of LinkedIn. It has been long known that the Stampede is more than a rodeo, fair, and festival – but a great week of business socials. Nothing brings that more to light, than seeing this through LinkedIn.
Following Companies, Associations, Influencers, and Colleagues on LinkedIn have really accelerated opportunities for collaboration and community. New companies need visibility to grow and job seekers need to see opportunities to help companies grow – So if you know of either, please do spread the word on the value of their joining an online professional social network – as these technologies have really helped scale companies, connect people, accelerate careers, and grow economies.
Do follow Technology Alberta and the ASTech Awards on LinkedIn – where collectively we are connecting with over 7000 community members across the province, and sharing timely information daily on jobs, companies, news, and events – beyond the pages of our e-newsbytes.
Make connections, find opportunities, be informed and current – and help scale our companies, and Alberta’s Tech Sector.
Spread the word, and Thank you all,